Cultivation for Conservation
Wild plants that are threatened with extinction are propagated and reintroduced into the wild. We have about 40 native species in conservation culture. Among cultivated plants too there are numerous varieties that are endangered and are preserved in the Botanic Gardens.
Wild plants
A large proportion of the known species are severely threatened or - without being noticed - already extinct. Along with the plants, the animals dependent on them are also dying.
The rare and endangered species are not preserved in their natural habitats in the botanic gardens, but "ex-situ" (off-site). They are propagated and then reintroduced to their natural habitat in as large numbers as possible.
For example, the last specimens of silver grass (Corynephorus canescens) from the Tannenbuscher Dune in Bonn were secured, propagated and reintroduced.
Currently, the endangered high calamine pansy (Viola guestphalica) and the native wild tulip (Tulipa sylvestris) are being grown alongside other threatened species native to North Rhine-Westphalia.

Useful plants
Especially due to the great changes in agriculture, many crop varieties and species are threatened with extinction. Old regional cultivated plants are preserved in the Garden of Useful Plants.
Red Ellerstädter, for example, is the name of an old peach variety (Prunus persica). Because this peach can be propagated from its peach stones, it is also known as "Kernechter vom Vorgebirge" ("Core-true from the foothills").
The fruits of this variety ripen at the end of August. The fruit flesh detach well from the stone. These peaches are juicy and sweet and have a nice aroma.
This old variety is still often grown in gardens.